Upcoming events

AstroAI Asian (A3) Network Website
September 2-6, 2024, Osaka University Nakanoshima Center, Osaka, Japan

Hack Friday

Every Friday 1:30-5pm, Seminar room C (3F)

  • The goal: code, experiment, and connect!
  • The format: 1:30pm describes your goal of the session; 2-4:30pm find a comfy place to code (together or alone); 4:30-5pm reconvene and report back your accomplishments (or failures..) and get feedback from others.
  • What to bring: a laptop, a small challenge that is explorable on a time scale of an afternoon, and an open mind!
  • Who can/should join: anyone who codes. This should be of minimal burden to your work/life, so feel free to join and leave anytime.

Past events

LSS Quest 2024 Website
June 24−25, 2024, Osaka University Nakanoshima Center, Osaka, Japan

Workshop on Galaxy and Black-hole evolution Website
June 3-7, 2024, Kavli IPMU, Kashiwa, Japan

CD3 Project Expo Website
May 10, 2024, Kavli IPMU, Kashiwa, Japan

Baryons in the Universe 2024 Website
April 8-12, 2024, Kavli IPMU, Kashiwa, Japan

AI-driven discovery in physics and astrophysics Website
January 22-26, 2024, Kavli IPMU, Kashiwa, Japan

Time-Domain Astronomy and Cosmology in the LSST Era Website
December 8, 2023, Kavli IPMU, Kashiwa, Japan

Workshop: Astro AI and Fugaku Website
September 11-12, 2023, University of Tsukuba Tokyo Campus, Tokyo, Japan

CD3 Opening Symposium Website
April 19-20, 2023, Kavli IPMU, Kashiwa, Japan

Workshop: Future Science with CMB x LSS Website
April 10-14, 2023, YITP, Kyoto, Japan